Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Pretty Rulers

Hello there how are you?
Is an exciting day for me as I am picking up my new car this morning, shame I am straight back at work afterwards and tomorrow too.
Roll on the weekend so that I can test drive properly. Is my first automatic and I am looking forward to it.
Ok video time like promised. At the beginning of the year I took on a design team assignment for a fabulous forum where SU demonstrators like to hang out.And part of the deal was to shoot one video/month well I am ashamed to say I only did 2 this being my third this year, shameful I know.
 Part of the problem is that videos take me so long to edit and by the time I finish one I am ready  to tear my hair out (I am not saying they are that hard what I am trying to say is that I don't get along with technology very well so it takes me an age). However I am planning on making some changes and offering more videos for my blog and the In love with stamping forum so watch this space.
And here's my most recent one on covering plastic rulers. You might remember that I made a bunch of those rulers as my swaps for our first European Convention last November
Well they were well received and more recently a few demos have been asking questions about them so I decided to make a video. I bought the plain rulers in Wilkinson (for those living in the UK) but I am pretty sure you can do a search for 6"rulers and find some.
Ok got to dash  ENJOY !!!! and till next time HUGS xxxx


  1. Really enjoyed that Monica - thanks for sharing this cute project. The kids will love them.

  2. Morning Monica,wow these are lovely and a great idea.Thanks for the fabulous tutorial:)

    Enjoy your car,my hubby bought me my first auto last christmas and I absolutely love it,I will never ever go back to driving a manual car again,they are just sooooooo easy :-)


  3. Fantastic idea for the school Xmas fair. Now going to look for some rulers.

  4. Oh Monica, this vido is fab... might just try this .. how fab do they look!

  5. Hi Monica!

    Still have the rulers here (you sent me some) and today is the day! I will get some done! Thanks for the video - it's perfect!

    Greetings from Germany, Bianca

  6. Thanks for this tutorial Monica, I can't wait to try it out now.

    Have a good week.

    Alex x

  7. Great idea, I never would have thought to do that. Thanks for the video, I love watching them.
    Hope you enjoy your new car.

  8. Great idea Monica.
    I think you do a fantastic video tutuorial...good work!

  9. Hi Monica
    thanks for the tutorial thats great...fabulous idea

  10. Fabulous idea, Monica! I loved the video. Thanks.

  11. These are so pretty Monica! Thank you for taking the time to make the video :) xx

  12. Hi Monica,

    I have no idea why we haven't swaped ;-)
    The rulers are georgeous.
    Thank you so very much for sharing !

  13. Hello Monica,

    I am totally fond of those rulers. I will try this in the near future, can´t wait to see my own result. Thank you for sharing.


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Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment, I really apreciate it as I love hearing from you. Hugs Monica xxx