Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Incentive Trip Day 3 continued

Hi there and eeek!! I hate it when I fall behind with my blogging. Busy was the order of last week or so with a lot of commitments.
Ok I will try and wrap this fabulous experience up.
After the chill out few hours round the pool it was back to our rooms to get glammed up for our final cocktail dinner. We were so excited to find where we were going.
I took showers all the time up to this evening, but I indulged in a luxurious bath filled with those yummy salts and those wonderful lotions and potions this time, it was lovely.
It was all go afterwards to get ready in time and poor Moira who stopped by my room didn't know where to look at times while I was finishing off parading in just my fat pants and bra (not a pretty sight, sorry Moira). You see the path to looking pretty never runs smoothly for me. I choose to wear a beautiful silk dress by Ted Baker that my lovely hubby bought for me never thinking of it getting creased in my case, by the time I unpacked it, well you can imagine. I also choose a silk top to wear on my first night and that needed a good press. So I phoned up housekeeping to see if I could have an iron sent to my room, shock horror ( bet they were thinking WHO IS THIS WOMAN ?) there wasn't one but hey there was a pressing service available. (I know what you're thinking)
 I had to do it, there was no alternative!!!
 A very nice man came and collected my items and returned them 45 min. later with my clobber looking perfect along with a bill of, wait for it..... 60 Euros!! For one dress and one top!!!
I could have bought another dress for that (actually I couldn't, not in Monaco).
You see I always used to pack a travel iron but over the last few years I noticed that more and more hotels have got an iron in the room or at least a trouser press so stopped packing one, mind you I should have know that if you can afford to pay 760 Euros/room/night you are not going to be the type that does is own ironing, poor Dawn had to iron her lovely silk dress too so she got a hefty bill. We did laugh about it.
We all met in the lobby looking glorious. Isn't it nice to get all dressed up? Everyone looked stunning.
At 7.30 we started walking towards the Casino and WOW all of a sudden we realised that we were heading for Hotel Du Paris. Just by looking at it you knew it was special, we found out that there is a 2 months waiting list to dine here and at 55 Euros/starter pretty steep too).
And once inside your jaw dropped to the floor, it was sooo grand.
I have never seen flower arranging on this scale either. Huge arrangement it was HUGE !!

We took a lift all the way up to the 8th floor. As you come out the lift a wonderful smell of fresh lilies ( my favourite flower) filled the beautifully decorated room. The walls were covered in the most striking azure blue and white fabric, imagine sparkling crystal chandeliers with touches of gold and you've hopefully got a pretty opulent looking picture.
And then the next thing you noticed were the views fabulous views from every angle.
We crossed through the Le Grill restaurant and I managed to take a picture of the grill. Nice huh?
and then we ended up on this terrace overlooking the spectacular looking marina.

We were served fruit cocktails and hors d'oeuvre of really tasty foie gras and smoked salmon on blinis or at least I think they were, I was too busy eating the foie gras to taste the salmon LOL.
We mingled and chatted and took lots of photographs( not many on my camera though)
Me and the beautiful woman who started it all
Gosh she is so stylish and always on trend. I am sure you all seen the underwear as out a wear fashion all over, beautiful lace pieces laid over nude linings. It was really lovely and she looked effortlessly stylish. I look so scared in this photo, I am still very much start struck by Shelli LOL.
From the terrace we could see the beautiful room where all the tables were laid.  This was where Winston Churchill's used to dine more than half a century ago when visiting Monaco.
Such elegant room with all the walls and ceiling draped in exquisite fabrics.
Close up of the tables, look at the pretty table linen and those lovely peony arrangements. I loved the exclusive dinner service. Every detail has been carefully planned and each setting had a beautiful hand stamped note from Shelli and a menu.

Well of course the food we were served was again some of the best I have ever had, this was a 1* Michelin restaurant.
I dined at the table with Shelli, Sterling, Paula (our country manager), Jenny Moors, Amanda, and the lovely Moira a Scottish demo now living in France.
Here's a photo of me and Moira
Such a lovely, warm and genuine girl not to mention very beautiful. I loved spending some time with her and the lovely Danielle the other French demonstrator who achieved this trip. I don't have a picture of Danielle all dressed up but I have one in our pj's LOL
From left we have Jerome, the French County Manager who is very funny and so very charming, we all fell under his spell and he knew it!! next we have the lovely Moira than myself and at the top is the lovely Danielle mon amie francaise.
Back to our meal.
We started with a lovely and fresh Amuse-Bouche
It had citrus flavours , fresh tomatoes and some crunchy bits, I am sure there was  something else I couldn't identify but I could have had more of it that's for sure, it was so very yummy!!

 Smoked salmon with a tasty mayonnaise like sauce.

Main was grilled Sea Bass
Grilled vegetables and a citrus sauce spooned on the side, I loved this main, fish is one of my favourite.

By the time this came I was full but I did managed to eat half of it. It was a French Vacherin which is a dessert similar to a baked alaska. Made with meringues it had a creamy inside with a gorgeous fruit sorbet and cream Chantilly.
We then finished off with coffee and more delicious petits fours
WOW each bite was like heaven. Yes I had one of each even though I couldn't breath by this stage. I have no discipline when it comes to food, stamps, shoes, bags you get the idea LOL>
After dinner we chatted a bit more on the terrace then it was time to say goodbye to Shelli and Sterling as they had a very early departure the next day.
We headed off to the Casino and I have to admit at being totally ignorant when it comes to gambling, in fact this was my first ever time in a Casino.  The building was very opulently decorated and it was huge, very busy with lots of people doing their stuff. I have to say I looked and then I found a seat because even thought my high heeled shoes are quite comfortable my feet were aching by this stage. It was perfect for a bit of people watching.
A night cap at the lovely Cafe Du Paris over the road, a few goodbyes to those leaving early the next day and it was time for bed so we headed back.
 I was  on such a high after another fabulous day and evening I completely forgot about the pillow gift!!!
Honestly I could have cried at this point, because I love bags and I love patent, and I really like this bag( I wore it ever since I got back).
To have been so thoroughly spoilt with such lovely gifts and fancy meals, beautiful hotel was just too much and I was feeling very emotional.
I said this before, I get paid and I am rewarded for my work as a demonstrator, this exquisite trip was an extra on top of all that and I am truly humbled.
My team and my customers have played the biggest role in me achieving this and for that I am eternally grateful to each of them.
If you ask me what the highlight of the trip was for me I honestly couldn't tell you as I loved every minute of it, I loved spending time with my fellow UK demos, a group of most amazing women, but what was quite high up there on my list was having this wonderful girl there with me experiencing all this, the lovely Jules
 She is a superstar and I love her to bits. I laughed so much with her on this trip, she deffo kept us all entertained and she looked amazing in her lovely dress.
What's even better is that we both  achieved Prague next year's Incentive trip so we get to do it all over again with hopefully a few more Passionettes on board, now that I would really love !!
The next day I arranged to have a leisurely breakfast by the pool with a few of the German girls,
Here's a group shot of me with those lovely crazy ladies
It took an age to take this photo and there were so many cameras no one knew which way to look first, I did try to organize the group a bit but I failed miserably well I don't speak German and that's my excuse LOL>
From left we have Jenny, Daniella, moi, Silvya a very funny lady, Jaquelline, Carola, Irene and the sweetest Jeanette. A fab bunch of girls that spoke perfect English for which I was so grateful as my German is nicht.
After breakfast I had a stroll around Monaco with the lovely Moira. The weather was still red hot inspite of all the weather reports we saw before going  reporting heavy showers we had rain for about 20 minutes while we were on our way to the perfume factory and that was it.
Moira took this shot of me and this was my last photo of this trip.
I loved this trip so much and I love Stampin'Up! even more for the opportunity. If you want to find out how you can become a demonstrator ask me about more details and a no obligation friendly chat, IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE!! and this is the BEST TIME to sign up,  Common join me and the Passionettes and have fun earning some money from your passion and hobby.

Till next time Big Hugs xxxx


  1. Thank you for taking me along your journey

  2. How beautiful you look in that amazing Dress I WANT ONE!!

  3. Monica, your tales of your trip to Monaco have been such an inspiration. You deserved this so much and I hope one day I can get there too...



  4. Your reports have been great, made me laugh and smile thinking about the trip. i hope I make Pragues, I want to share that with you!!!!!!!!! Hugs and macarons x


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment, I really apreciate it as I love hearing from you. Hugs Monica xxx