Sunday, 20 June 2010

Day 2 Pj party and pillow gifts

Is me again I am sorry last two posts were supossed to be posted yesterday however my conection wasn't that good and I also think my iPhone needs the updates.
Ok so after a relaxed meal with wonderful company and conversation we quickly went back to change into our pj's ready for our randezvous complete with make and takes.
Back row from left to right we have Jenni, Dawn, Amanda, Paula our Country manager, myself then bottom row we have Jules( my downline) Michelle and lovely Natalie.
It was so great to spend this quality time with those amazing women and getting to properly know them, I have made new friends on this trip for sure.
Of course there were more delicious treats in store for us all (I was shocked and stunned to find out I never put a lbs. on this weekend, (I think is true what they say good food doesn't make you put weigh on LOL). I personally think is all the walking and no snacking in between meals. I wish I could stick to that all the time.
There were macaroons everywhere on this trip my absolute favourite treat, I loved that.
This were our goodie bags

The tag inside read

You just had no words left the ohh's and ahhh's were so often used they almost didn't have the same meaning.

And this is what was inside our bags, and you can also see two of the make n takes I didn't finish my album as like per usual I was to busy chatting.
The evening went by far too quick and even with the lack of sleep I just didn't feel tired at all, my body must have been working like crazy to keep the adrenaline flowing.
When I finally left I headed for my room to drop off the goodies before making my way to Amanda's room (nobody wanted this day to end and sleep is so overated anyway). As I opened the door I let out this loud scream as I caught a glimpse of this

And the tag inside read

Iside the bag was this

A fabulous Pink Flamingo beach towel and a matching pair of flip flops, check the soles out I so need a beach holiday now so I can leave Stampin'Up! imprints in the sand.
And if that wasn't enough we had this inside as well

The most lovely Black cardi with flowers made out of our black striped grosgrain ribbon. It even has a cute Stampin'Up! Logo on the sleeve. Love it and I will wear it at my every workshop I am sure.
All of the UK achievets had a bit more time together in Amanda's room she kindly invited us all over as her room was one of the largest ones with the most humongous bathroom ever, it was huge and very lovely (I will share my room and views tomorrow)
You would think that after all this excitement and the bad night sleep from the night before
that I would have had no trouble getting to sleep, well you would be right I was out like a light I don't think I even moved.
Ok so I will share day number 3 tomorrow thank you and big hugs xx
-- Post From My iPhone


  1. The pictures are fab Monica! It all looks so much fun and what lovely things in all the goody bags :) Such a wonderful reward for all your hard work...... I am looking forward to meeting the rest of the 'gang' at convention! ;-D

    Carol xxx

  2. Looks amazing Monica, so glad you had a wonderful time
    Hugs xxx

  3. Oh Monica - it all looks and sounds amazing! I SOOOOO want to be on one of these trips! Can't wait to hear what you get up to next!



  4. Oh Mon.. it all looks so fab! Can't wait for day 3... it's like reading a really good book.. I want to know NOW!! x

  5. Oh Monica, it looks amazing! Stampin' Up! really know how to treat demonstrators don't they?! I'm uber excited for convention now! xx

  6. WOW Monica, it all looks to fab for words!! Glad you had a lovely time!!

    Looking forward to seeing you again at convention!

    Justine o x o

  7. Hi Monica,
    great to meet you in Monaco :)
    Thank you so much for the lovely pendant !
    Carola from Germany


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment, I really apreciate it as I love hearing from you. Hugs Monica xxx