Sunday, 30 September 2012

A DINO-mite 5th Birthday Party….

Hello there I hope you are well and your weekend was as relaxing as it gets mine was hectic to say the least but fun and full of happiness :) On Friday we travelled down to LONDON for a very important birthday party on Saturday. My little nephew turned 5!!!!!! Geez I find that hard to comprehend. Anyway I was very excited as I had some surprises for him that he didn’t know about. Here’s my favourite dinosaur of the day :)

front dino

And here’s the same favourite  dinosaur from the back


Aww how stinkin cute are those tails?  I made one for all his attending friends but I didn’t stop there


I made the DINO  feet using the Big Shot machine and our circle scallop die ( I love being crafty and having the right supplies on hand). The claws were simple cut out shapes of pumpkin pie card stock stuck between a layer of card stock and the fluffy fabric layer. A simple elastic band was stapled either side for ease of getting them on and off.

feet close

And very soon we had a stampede of little and BIG dinos, you’re never too old for dressing up at party’s :)

big dino

Hee hee, I found a very easy to follow tutorial here but I totally simplified mine even more from that one as time was really of the essence , in fact I am amazed I managed it all, life has been hectic lately.

The cake:

t rex cake

And yes its not my finest moment but let’s just say the cake didn’t travel well and I got the design completely wrong from the picture Luca found on the Internet, I had to move the eggs 5 times, yes 5 times until one little boy was happy with the result (I called him fussy at some point and he took real offense to it LOL), so I had to scrape the writing then do it again needles to say  it ended up a bit of a mess but he thought it was great.

t rex  They played, danced, run around till their faces were bright red and then it was time to sit down for a feast fit for the most discerning carnivore or herbivore.



RWARRRR!!!!!! hee heee

The party bags..

party bags

FIVE at last…… I want to stop the time for a bit

big 5

What a beautiful family, they make me so happy


and I wanted to show this picture of myself and my little sis,  I laughed out loud when i downloaded it, look at the sign on the right :)


THANK YOU for stopping by today,  in a few hours I will be able to share with you the NEW CATALOGUE !! you just wait and see you won’t believe  your eyes it’s massive!!  like really, really big. Lord knows we will need all the help we can get to find a way to buy it all.

Till tomorrow big hugs xxxx





  1. Sounds wonderful Monica! I can't believe you made those fab dinosaur outfits and the cake along with all the other fantastic creations you make! Thanks for sharing - I love visiting your blog!

  2. I can't believe you made those fab dino outfits AND the cake along with all the other fantastic creations you make! Thanks for sharing - I just love visiting your blog!

  3. Sounds wonderful Monica! I can't believe you made those fab dinosaur outfits and the cake along with all the other fantastic creations you make! Thanks for sharing - I love visiting your blog!

  4. You are such a wonderful, talented, generous sweetheart of a woman!!!!! You never cease to amaze me!! LOVE the dino party - how fun!!! Big hugs and take a day off already!

  5. Oh Monica, what a fantastic party !! You look just like your sister. And you brought back lots of memories of my eldest 'being a whole hand' !! A xx

  6. Now thats how to make a little boy very happy and he looked to be a very happy dinosaur!.... It looks so much fun and you have to be the best aunty in the world.

    Hugs x

  7. You are one very clever lady Monica! And wow, you look very much like your sister!!! Lovely pictures!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment, I really apreciate it as I love hearing from you. Hugs Monica xxx