Sunday, 1 December 2013

HAPPY December 1st …

hello december
Hello there,
I am soooo excited, its December and I am definitely feeling the Christmas spirit already :)
Everywhere I look people have started putting the decks up, sharing festive music, pinning seasonal recipes and it all feels exciting.
Have you put your tree up today? We choose a real tree and  usually only put it up a week before Christmas, but I am sure itching to decorate already.
I LOVE December and I love Christmas. And for the 1st time I will jump on the bandwagon of December daily :)
I am hoping I will be able to document my entire month and not fall behind, we shall see. I am doing it all in My Digital Studio and I cannot wait.
And today I wanted to take a break for sharing a project and instead I will share something amazing. I wish you a fabulous December :)


  1. Love the song! Have you seen the movie 'Pitch perfect'? It's full of awesome acapella singing - I love it! Feeling very festive already - started documenting December in MDS today too - woohoo!

  2. Wow, totally amazing voices! Thank you for sharing this.

  3. Love this group! Saw them win the Sing-Off a couple of years ago. I've seen them in concert and they are amazing! Love your blog!!


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