Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Rolling and rolling…

That’s what we’ve been doing lots of, last Saturday in order to make one of these.

wreath 1

This was our third class and everyone managed to complete theirs apart from one attendees who had to fly back home and didn’t want to take the chance of it being squashed to death.

I cut all the paper for everyone with the help of Ali for a few packs(thanks lovely) and my lovely hubby for the rest(thank you honey), so all that was left to do was for everyone to fold their many pieces of paper and glue them down. I have to say my example was nowhere near as pretty as the others being produced, the girls really took their time and produced gorgeous pieces of home decor. The Newsprint paper ensures that the wreath is neutral enough can be for decorated for every season, I cannot wait to turn mine into Halloween straight away :), then Christmas.


In between rolling all the paper needed,  we stopped for a spot of cream tea, again in the glorious sunshine.


We were soon back to work and by 5 pm we were done!! we whooped and cheered as each one got completed, it was so funny.  Here’s all the LOVELY and happy ladies displaying their works of art, they all did so well.


It was lovely to see  so many of those wreaths  in one place (how gorgeous do the grounds look by the way?)   By the time we finished we had about 1 hour to get ready for our 3 course gourmet dinner, I only had about 20 minutes :) as I needed to set up the candy buffet for our pj party later on.

I came down to find everyone looking so beautiful in their finery ready for dinner.

sweet friends

From left to right we have Catherine, Ali, Louise and Jo-Jo. As always I took so very few photos, I wish I had more of everyone. The restaurant looked gorgeous too lit only by the candles on the tables, and the food amazing. Really, really good..

We enjoyed coffee and a little drink in the bar after dinner and just before 9 o’clock we decided that it was time for our jim jams and off we were off again :). I love this picture (thanks Jo Jo) not a very clear one but if you look to the left behind the desk you can just see Neil, a member of staff looking in disbelief at us all wearing our pj’s , so fun.


And everyone got to make *this*

ornament close

minus the sparkly button and the glitter ( if you are a demo before you look for your jaw on the floor, I need to let you know that everyone cut their shapes by hand instead using the framelits and the big shot) :)

Almost everyone made the ornament while eating lots of this


<SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERA>  Yummy sweets and bless her, Carol even made us all a gorgeous peanut crunch that I quite possibly eat all of.

And so we danced and sang till well after midnight, and by then we were all exhausted but very,very happy.

it was time for bed and this is what the ladies found on their pillows that night

gift 2nd night

I bought everyone a pair of paper snips, they were going to need them the next day and quite frankly you can never have to many pairs of snips they are the best scissors on this Earth, plus you should always keep one just for ribbon.

The packaging I am in love with, it turned out just as how I envisaged it. The bags are coffee bags that I had for a while, I simply run them through the Big Shot and the new embossing folder Lace Brocade. The tags I made using the fabby Layered Labels set cut with the Labels Collection framelits this time not with their matching Apothecary framelits.

gift 2nd night close

The technique used on the label is called the faux mother of pearl and it works so well with this stamp set, the photograph don’t quite translates the beauty of it, plus the glimmer paper makes it all brilliant and sparkly beyond happy :)

Right off I go to bake a cake, I know, I know I can see the time but the Thermomix will mix it all for me for 1 minute then I will pop it in to bake while I watch the rest of Grand Designs.

Thank you for stopping see you again tomorrow hugs xx



1 comment :

  1. I wish I lived in your part of the world to attend this amazing event. Your projects look amazing. The location looked amazing and the food. Thanks for sharing. I love the newsprint wreath. I hope you get to have a long rest after all that work.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment, I really apreciate it as I love hearing from you. Hugs Monica xxx