Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Saturday happenings..

Look what I received from all the lovelies that I spent the weekend with.


 flowers note

They are the amazing ones and I was really touched, thank you ladies so very much.

After a yummy breakfast we quickly started getting busy, we had a long day ahead of us and we kicked off with an easy project to warm up, a boxed set of cards using the sweet stamp set Bright Blossom (currently dormant but will come back on the 1st of Oct.).

step 12

You could tell this was the 1st class I prepared for the event all the way back in May by the infusion of bright colours, I was looking forward to Summer at that point little did I know that we won’t be having much of a Summer.

step 8   The box itself is a clear acetate box that we spruced up using some designer paper and stamped elements. Everyone made 5 cards to go inside it.

step 5

A simple but very effective design and they all loved them. Everyone got their own stamp set to keep its a really versatile one.

Then we had a break where we indulged in home baked cookies tea or coffee all enjoyed outside as the weather on Saturday was simply beautiful



Here I am up on the window sills trying to fight with the HUMONGOUS and very dusty drapes, Janice and Jools did such a great job holding my bum cheeks making sure I didn’t fall down. LOL

We had it all this weekend laughter, tears, we even had some blood as poor Babs managed to cut her finger on Sunday :(   ()those snips are really sharp, we come round full circle, it was amazing.

Our second class of the day was a Christmas project and we started the preparations by making a planner for our handbags. I love to use one every year and if its a pretty one its even better.

Well pretty it definitely was


It is made using the wonderful Snowflake Scrapbooking Kit from the Autumn Winter catalogue. It was an enjoyable and stress free class, everyone loved making it.  Here’s the inside

inside decor

These kits are amazing value everything needed was included in this kit apart from half a sheet of Cherry Cobbler card stock and a few buttons and the printables.

I love the little tags and the die cut number are just so gorgeous, not to mention the sparkly snowflakes.


We finished just in time for lunch and oh my it was a delicious. We had a  hot and cold buffet with yummy desserts to follow. We had more eating than crafting on the agenda this weekend but miraculously I managed to polish everything put in front of me :)

We were just about ready to start our third class by this time and we were busy figuring out how to best plug in 30 hot glue guns!!!!

I will be back with more tomorrow thank you for stopping by, see you again tomorrow. Till then big hugs xxxx






  1. Wow, you put so much work into this event - I remember you talking about it at training back in March! Looks like an absolutely fab event!

  2. This all looks fabulous, I am sure your ladies will be lined up for the next event it looks amazing as do your projects.

  3. All look wonderful. Can I ask where you found the printable planner pages?

  4. The projects were FABULOUS fun to create!!! And yes, there was tons of laughter too, lol!

  5. Holey Crappamoley, the logistics of this must have been quite a feat! I can't believe you did all this alone. How did you manage to get supplies, like ink, for everyone? Did you buy multiples of things and include that as part of the fee?? And finally, I would also LOVE to have the planner pages so I could CASE that project--did you get them somewhere else, or make them yourself? Thanks for sharing!

  6. It looked amazing and I have only heard great things about your retreat, well done my sweet you are an inspiration xxx

  7. Wish I'd been there, it sounds and looks amazing. such super projects.Such planning bet your exhausted now. I can also remember you talking to Helen and I about this at Leeds in march what an achievement though. well done. sue

  8. LOVE the planner. Was wondering if you could post the file of the printable part inside?


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment, I really apreciate it as I love hearing from you. Hugs Monica xxx